It’s been awhile guys since I deleted my last blog. But hey, great things happened, so I think I need to write all over again. and well, I kinda miss this blogging stuff more than I thought. So I’ll start up with some quick updates bout what I’ve been up to in these last 1.5 years

- Luckily, I have graduated last July 08, well the score was at least okay for me and Mom, and hey I was the youngest on that graduation period anyway.. So it was fab! hahaha
- I worked for some research projects as my first job. Stayed at the lab all day long, played with bacteria and their other mates started from August 08 – January 09. The best part is… they paid me good!! *moneymoneymoney hahaha!
- I got a chance for 3 months internship in China for England’s NGO called PLAN International. I ran some sustainable dev. projects. Well what can I say, it was one of my greatest episode of life
- Back again in May, teaching free lance for private senior high as my temporary job hahaha *Hey, they just told me that 100% if my kiddos passed the SNMPTN! yeayyyy
- and now, here I am, preparing my self since next month I’ll be back as a student (again!) for my master degree in somewhere far far away from Indo (Alhamdulillah..). I AM SUPER EXCITED!!! totally can’t wait!
- I also learn some Dutch now, and me love it love it love it sooo muchooo! Hoe gaat het met je? *Do I sound like pro? hahaha
- I’m still a believer that good coffee in the morning has at least 50% chance to make ur day even better and happier
- and here we are, my most favourite part as well, I have such a great-full of happiness-lovable relationship with Frilo He’s such a really nice guy for me. Can’t wait for other major awesomeness with him!
So you're about to live Indo for good, sweetheart?
oh, best wishes for your everything! :)
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